Inside LA's Art Scene: exclusive artist interviews and studio visits– Documentary, 2023-24

Join us as we take you on a journey through the streets, galleries and museums of Los Angeles. "American Champagne" is a documentary series by the German art collective Maison Douce, featuring interviews and studio visits with local artists such as Fulton Leroy Washington (aka MR. WASH), Kelly "RISK" Graval, Anthony "Toons" Martin and many more. Discover the stories behind the artworks, gain insight into the creative process, and witness firsthand the remarkable impact that art has on individuals and communities. 

Watch the documentary trailer

The transformative power of art:
MR. WASH interview and Compton studio visit
(Documentary Part 1)

Discover the extraordinary life and artistic journey of Fulton Leroy Washington, aka Mr. Wash, the renowned self-taught artist. In this first documentary episode, we step into his Compton-based studio, where every artwork tells a story of resilience and creative freedom.

Born in 1954 in Tallulah, Louisiana, Fulton Leroy Washington faced a life sentence in the late 1990s for a nonviolent drug offense—a product of the "War on Drugs" era with its devastating effects on society. After twenty-one years behind bars, President Barack Obama granted him clemency on May 5, 2016. In prison, Washington found solace in art. His subjects: Fellow inmates, depicted in photorealistic portraits set in serene landscapes, evoking a sense of freedom. Some canvases revealed deeper psychological layers, with one of his Leitmotifs, the big symbolic tears that reflect all the things the portrayed inmates missed or even lost. One notable piece, "Emancipation Proclamation," mirrored President Lincoln's historic proclamation, portraying Obama granting Washington clemency—a work Washington believes played a pivotal role in his release.

In our conversation, Mr. Wash talks about discovering his passion for painting behind bars. Through sheer determination and a relentless pursuit of self-expression, he found freedom in art. Hear firsthand as he recounts his journey, from self-taught artist and a beacon of hope within the prison walls to becoming an LA art legend. Today, Mr. Wash's art transcends boundaries, serving as a powerful medium for social change and community empowerment. We are honored that we had the opportunity to collaborate with Mr. Wash as we contributed to a mural in the compound where he plans to build a community center.  

This captivating episode is filled with raw emotion, inspiration, and the unwavering spirit of Mr. Wash – showing the transformative power of art.


MR.WASH’s website:

MR. WASH’s Instagram: 

Article on Mr. Wash Hammer Museum: 


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